Below you will find an overview of the most common leaves and absences. All absence needs to be registered in Humaans.

👶Parental leave

Congratulations on becoming a parent! We hope you`ll enjoy your time off with your new family member 🌱 As an employee at Aidn, you will get the following:

🤒Sick leave

We will pay you full salary during sick leave for the 52 weeks you are entitled to sick leave from NAV. You will receive salary as normal from us, and NAV will reimburse us directly.

How to give notice when you are sick:

  1. Always inform your manager immediately, text message or phone call 📱
  2. If there is a need to inform more people, to let them know you are unavailable, please update your slack status. It is up to you if you want to say you are sick 🤒 or simply unavailable ⛔  💡 Did you know you can also add a comment to your status if more detail is needed, like who to contact in your absence?
  3. Consider if any additional notification is needed in addition to the first two, perhaps your team or someone you were meant to have a meeting with.
  4. Enter time away in Humaans at the earliest convenience with the right time away code (employees only). This is very important for compliance and reporting, of which we are obligated by law 📕

Doctors note (sykemelding)

Please remember to also enter your sick days in Humaans, even when you have a doctor's note that is issued electronically.

Self-certified sick-leave (egenmelding)

All employees are entitled to up to 12 self-certified sick leave days within a rolling 12-month period. You may use these days as needed, individually or consecutively, up to 12 days. For any continuous absence lasting longer than three days, or once your self-certified allowance has been fully utilized, a doctor’s note will be required. To ensure smooth communication and record-keeping: